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General Quotation for Import of Commercial Goods

This page is brought to you by Australian Trade & Shipping in the interests of people who intend to Import cargo into Australia from destination ports in New Zealand, USA, Europe, UK, Pacific Islands, Asia, Central and South America, Africa, Middle East, Indian Sub Continent, Caribbean

Or you can take a camera photo and send this quotation to info(at)

Please feel free to contact us at Australia Trade & Shipping.

+61 2 6699 3288

Coffs Harbour

+61 7 4962 0488


+61 7 5667 7088

Gold Coast

+61 2 4231 4799

Port Kembla

+61 7 5370 5688

Sunshine Coast

+61 7 4642 1500


+61 7 4795 1288


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I wish a safe and prosperous journey for you and your loved ones.