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Imports Into Australia - Home Page

Welcome to Australia Trade & Shipping offering a comprehensive shipping service to and from Australia to World Wide destinations, taking your product price from A$ FOB to A$ C&F
On-line spread sheet to assist you in your commercial costing For those wishing to bring motor vehicles (cars, boats) scroll down this page until you come to Importing Motor Vehicles and use the Pricing Guide spreadsheet
Takes you to main page of Timetables in and out of Australia / NZ
Pro-forma Invoice, Commercial Invoice, Packing List, Weight List, Packing Declaration, Certificate of Origin, Beneficiaries Certificate, Drafts & Lodgements, Forward Exchange
Links to Documents That You May Require
Pdf forms available on this page When Importing Personal Effects, Vehicles, Trailers, Excavators etc it is manditory to fill in an Import Declaration form.
Dangerous Goods Form, Delivery Instruction
The most important thing in Business is to mark your cargo ( Bookmark this page )

So you want to go ahead and book shipment
Order Placement Advice

Australian Customs Requirements

Any commercial business importing for the first time is required to be registered with Australian Customs, fill in and submit
When importing personal effects this 4 page PDF download is required to be filled out in black pen and sent to us to enable us to customs clear your cargo

Australian Quarantine Requirements

For Entry into Australia
Example only for Australia

Importing Boats into Australia

Back ground to Australian Customs & Quarantine requirements on Duty and GST requirements
On-line spread sheet for costing vehicles into Australia

Importing Vehicles into Australia

Back ground to Importing vehicles into Australia
Back ground to Australian Customs requirements on Duty and Sales tax requirements Short version
On-line spread sheet for costing vehicles into Australia
This is a quick ready reference for Information pertaining to importing a vehicle into Australia . Personal imports have changed from 3 months ownership to 12 months
This is comprehensive reading and will sort out advantages for Personal import as opposed to Commercial import
Before you bring a vehicle into Australia you are required to get approval from Fed Dept of infrastructure Road Safety You can get a personal import or commercial import (4 page PDF download) On the application it will ask for name of shipping agent and fax number Remember to write in New Zealand Shipping company our fax 61 7 3290 2481 this will speed up the process by at least 7 days

Transport Specialists

Transport yards as used by Australia Trade and Shipping
A New Zealand invention used throughout Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands 20ft and 40ft Containers are placed on the ground (ground permitting) This transport system makes packing / unpacking that much easier Truck delivers, you ring back when container finished.

Please feel free to contact us at Australia Trade & Shipping.

+61 2 6699 3288

Coffs Harbour

+61 7 4962 0488


+61 7 5667 7088

Gold Coast

+61 2 4231 4799

Port Kembla

+61 7 5370 5688

Sunshine Coast

+61 7 4642 1500


+61 7 4795 1288


Click Here to contact the Webmaster

I wish a safe and prosperous journey for you and your loved ones.