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New Zealand Shipping On - Line Comments
From 2009 onward you go to
Welcome: Because of the amount of comments, support and input from members of the public having the total archive of comments on one page is now impractical. We have now separated the comments by year.
If this is your first visit to the site I strongly recommend that you start from the beginning as there are some great stories and links.
Comments for the year 2008 | Email / Date |
Editors Note: Due to concerns about spam and spam bots we now replace the @ symbol with the actual word “at” so that spam bots don’t steal peoples address.We still encourage you to contact each other just remember wherever you see the letters “at” together just replace it with @ when you send an email and it will work. Best Regards Andrew Lawrence | |
My name is Brian Anthony and I worked for the New Zealand Shipping Company between 1960 – 1965 I am looking for any fellow crew members on ships Rangitoto, Hertford, Haparangi and Sussex. I look forward to hearing from you. | 2.01.08 |
Responding to Colin Anderson, I was on the Nottingham in 70 /71, in fact I was part of the skeleton crew that took her to scrap in Taiwan. I was what they called in those days, an “Acting Junior” Engineer, basically a final year cadet. Will always remember the Nottingham for the daily 8.00am stops to tighten up the elbow glands on the “swinging arms”. By the end of that trip, I was a master with the 28lb hammer! For the last two trips, there were two of us Acting Juniors, better known as Whippet and Scraggy!! I was Scraggy. Nick Waddington | 20.01.08 |
This a fascinating site. I sailed on the (deck officers) cadet ship Rakaia as a junior mechanical engineer approx 1959/60. The engineers were from Glasgow, Liverpool/Birkenhead and myself from Newport in South Wales UK. The only names that I can remember are Alistair from Scotland Harry I think from Birkenhead and there was an electrician who was also from Birkenhead. The Chief engineer from Scotland the second engineer was a New Zealander. We sailed from New Zealand on a Christmas eve, partying took place all over the ship, even in the engine room. One cadet climbed the mast then on up the flag pole and lay spread eagled with the truck in his stomach, other cadets not on deck would not believe he had done this, so he did it again with an even greater audience. health and safety….. I think not. I have 8mm cine of the Rakaia passing through the Panama canal in the attic some where. Also the same of us engineers ‘pedaling’ the outside pistons on the main engine at full belt. Now I am great full if I can walk. My cousin also served in NZ shipping as an engineer at the same period on the Rangitoto or Rangitane. I would be very interested to know if any of the above are still around. Regards to all Carl Bigmore | 20.01.08 |
I have information that my uncle, Francis Arthur Dennis Harris, was on the New Zealand Liner “Rangitana”, and lost his life when she was torpedoed. If you have any information about this incident. I would be very greatfull. Anthony James Freeman | 20.01.08 |
My name is Roger Sharplin and i served on the Middlesex in 63 as stwds/boy, as lift boy and po,s mess mon the toto in 64, the Remmmy as asst baker on her final trip. the baker was bill baker!! 2nd baker was Bob McNab, asst baker George Shmitt, and night baker was Ronald??? the head storeman was Roy Evans (ex toto extra 2nd stwd) who got me the job on the Remmy! it was a great ship and a good trip! i later sailed on the surrey. i was also on the Braemar Castle, Auckland Star and Port Wellington. i have lived in Adelaide South. Australia for the past 40ys, but still retain fond memories of some of my old ship mates. I am now 60 and retired due to a work related accident. (i plunged 40ft down a quarry in a 25 ton fully loaded dump truck!) if any of you out there remember me say hello! i was from a village called hoo, nr Rochester Kent. | 23.01.08 |
I am trying to find information as to how my grandfather George Thomas Nation (also called Mick) arrived in NZ probably between 1907 and August 1915 when he married my grandmother in Wellington. He is not on any passenger lists records held in UK at the GRO in Kew and does not appear on the CLIP Crew Lists and Agreement data for 1863 to 1913. My father, who saw very little of his father thinks he recalls him talking about serving on the Loch Torridon at some point but I didn’t think she put into Wellington and as he was ever a teller of ‘tall tales’, I’m not sure this can be relied on. I would be grateful for any suggestions as to how to find out what ship he first arrived on in NZ and any other ships he later served on.. By 1919, a year after my father was born, my grandfather was permanently shore side and editing a magazine called the NZ Nautical review of which I have bound copies for 1919-1921. He also at some point had some form of supplies/clothing store in Post Office Buildings and also at Custom House Quay Wellington. Any information about this period would also be welcome My father Brian Nation also went to sea and sailed in the Rangitata in the mid 1930’s. He is still very much alive and kicking and living in the UK … Susan Pendrey | 25.01.08 |
There was an email further up the list from someone asking about Avenue Shipping. The Editor says “no such thing”, but there definitely was an Avenue Shipping Co, and their ships were all called after Irish counties. I travelled to the UK on the “Limerick” in 1957, on my way to join HMS Worcester with an NZSCo scholarship. Giles Goldsbro Editor: Noted | 27.01.08 |
I worked in the offices of NZSCo, Water Street, Liverpool in 1970. It was the end of an era for Liverpool with the coming of containerisation the port was dying. However, we had a wonderful time, we worked for the three Superintendents. Miss Pat Fairbairn was the lady in charge of us two office girls, and she was the Marine Superintendent’s secretary. I was allowed into the Superintendent’s office to set the baragraph each day, a very great honour! Another important job was to issue on board passes to the ships’ personnel, in order that their girl friends could go on board when the ship’s were in port. So some of you may remember coming up to the third floor of NZSCo. building in Liverpool to collect your passes?! Also remember going on board whichever of the company’s ships were in port for a lovely meal, especially at Christmas time. Some of the staff we worked with: Peter Guy Allen, purser’s shoreside, Malcolm (Manny) Green and John ? for the Engineering Superintendent’s office. Anyone remember those days would be good to hear. Lyn Wakeling | 31.01.08 |
My name is Michele White. My father was able seaman Patrick (‘Chalky’) White. He sailed with the NZSCo in the 1950s between roughly 1955-58. I know he sailed on the MV Sussex out of Liverpool as I have some of his records and photographs. Particularly I like the ones I have of him playing guitar on deck with his crew mates! I work in shipping myself these days as a lawyer for Tanker operators so I find what he did fascinating. It was certainly a very different era to what we have today. I would be interested to hear from anyone who sailed in this period. | 06.02.08 |
I’m John Parfitt (some of my mates called me Tojo). I worked n the Rangitoto as Junior Engineer and Refrigeration Engineer between 1965 and 1966. Altogether I only completed 3 trips as I left to get married. Names I remember are: John? Creswell (Chief Engineer), Dave Simmonds (Chief Freeezer), Paul Siesage, (2nd Freezer), Nigel Davis (Chief Leccy), Ken Batttersby (2nd Leccy), Alan Stanford (3rd Leccy), Billy McMilan (4th Leccy) Matt Stewart (8th Engineer) Bob from Bristol (Engineer), Taffy Roberts (5th Engineer, Willie Schultz (Junior Engineer, Miss Macdonsld (Nursing Sister) It would be great to know what any of the people I sailed with are doing now. When I was in New Zealand about 3 years ago I visited Bluff and the old NZSC warehouses were still there complete with the name above the doors. | 06.02.08 |
My name is Michele White. My father was able seaman Patrick (‘Chalky’) White. He sailed with the NZSCo in the 1950s between roughly 1955-58. I know he sailed on the MV Sussex out of Liverpool as I have some of his records and photographs. Particularly I like the ones I have of him playing guitar on deck with his crew mates! I work in shipping myself these days as a lawyer for Tanker operators so I find what he did fascinating. It was certainly a very different era to what we have today. I would be interested to hear from anyone who sailed in this period. | 06.02.08 |
I do not have knowledge about the old NZ shipping company but would like to ask why you have no record of the SS.Samkey which was owned by his Majesty represented by the Minister of transport and managed by the NZ Shipping Co when she went missing with all hands in the Bermuda Triangle in 1948.Would appreciate any information as my brother was on that ship and was a NZ citizen and was wondering if his death certificate was issued here or in the UK Thanking you Shirley Traynor | 09.02.08 |
Still looking for Bill Halton, radio op on Essex and Sussex in the 1960s, think he might be in NZ, sailed with him on Essex 1961,63,anyone out there know him? I sailed as 4th eng on Essex Archie Clark | 12.02.08 |
Hi, my name is David fleetwood and I served on the Cumberland and the Taupo from 1971 to 1973 . I was an engineer and would like to hear from anyone who can remember me | 23.02.08 |
Hello, my name is Derek Hughes from Liverpool i joined nzs in 1966 and have many fond memories, and would like to get in touch with Peter Carey from Liverpool who parents had the nelson pub of husky dock in the pool, and I would like to offer my apologies to Lynne Hill who worked from Barrets hotel in Wellington who gave birth to a fine son named christopher…I would to have returned back but ended up on the empress of Canada.. boy I loved you .worked on stand by, ht and deep sea, Hinikura, Surrey, Hertford, Pipiriki, Westmorland, Otaio, Rangitane, Dorset, Tekoa, left as a second cook and boxer …thanks for the memories…and to say hi to Pat Macardles who i ve shared a few beers at my bar restaurant the schooner in tenerife…i hope captain dell has forgiven me for coming back on board naked in panama,, oh and Durban. and ma gGeesons.. well thats another story. best wishes to all nzs crew. Derek Hughes Tenerife 2008 | 29.02.08 |
Hello Jeff, Nothing truly exciting to report. Just changing my e-mail details as I am now living in Italy and running a small B&B just outside Rome. Discounts for ex NZ employees of course! Hope life is treating you well.Regards and best Danny | 02.03.08 |
Jack Cotter here, frig.eng. 1959-64. On Northumberland with Tom Collier [the screaming skull or the Liverpool yank] and Dick Dunkley [1959-60], Papanui[2nd & ch.] and Hurunui[ch]. Now living in Adelaide for last 42 years. I am in touch with Jimmy Youngson and Ted Jones, both mains eng. from same era, as well as John Williams, 2nd frig.on Middlesex, 1959-61.Pls feel free to contact me or others mentioned. Great site, regards Jack Cotter | 03.03.08 |
Please advise crew of mv Middlesex 16’000 t which left Rotterdam on 28th January 1964 via Genoa-Aden to Auckland NZ. I was one of the three passengers on board! Thank you.With best regards, Iwan Ilya Meyer | 03.03.08 |
Hi my name is Dennis Dawson i sailed on the Rangitoto from Tilbury to N.Z. leaving christmas eve 1954 as stewards boy 16 years old and as green as the briney, will never forget coming aboard was asked where i came from and said the national sea training school gravesend, 2nd steward said forget every thing you learned there this is real life! certainly was. we were away for about 4 months most of the time on the coast of New Zealand, had a real ball, met a girl in Wellington Ena Christian who when we went out the first time asked me for my cigs which i had a tin of 50s, she promptly screwed them all up and told me not to smoke, a habit i did kick 40 years later. I often wonder what happened to her as she came from Pitcairn Island and was friendly with a few other crew. I will always remember the seasickness and the way older members of the crew laugh at me running to the windward side (silly boy) i got my own back when we went fishing in one of the lifeboats on Wellington harbour and the crew all had beer and sandwiches except me we got caught in a squall and were swept towards Soames island and most of them were sick in that small boat before we managed to return. I worked on the wharf in Wellington for one day as a seagull and got paid just over 13 quid, and as i only got 10 pound a month at sea, i had no hesitation but to emigrate here which i did as a then Locomotive Trainee with N.Z rail and finished as an engine driver 32 years later. (he job was only for two years) i and came out on the Captain Hobson arriving Wellington 1956 been her ever since. now nearing my 70 birthday but will always treasure my time on the Rangitoto as an adventure which it really was to a boy from Oxford the tail end of a hurricane we encountered in the Caribbean, visiting ports like Curacao, Panama City and going through the Panama Canal, and naturally the wonderful ports like Wellington, Auckland ,Port Chalmers and Lyttleton Dennis Dawson | 11.03.08 |
I sailed on the Durham 2/3/63 till 16/10/65 as electrician and enjoyed keeping the old girl going experiencing fierce storms in the Indian Ocean and a crank case explosion. I did the last trip before the Greeks sailed her to Japan for scrap and on that trip I enjoyed all the free drinks at quite a few ports on the way home, the most memorable one was in Pireaus. For the past couple of years I have been visiting this wonderful site and came across Charles King (16/01/06)who sailed with me. If you are still looking up this page Charles I did sent an Email to you but got no reply. I send this with the hope that anyone who sailed with me remembers me and drops me a line. Here are a few names if anyone knows their whereabouts I would be grateful to hear from them. Ray Dean, Nosh Thompson. Alphie Phillips and not forgetting Chief Engineer Mike Constable. | 11.03.08 |
Did anyone out there sail with Ron Duff on Rangitoto 1954? would like to hear from you cheers Harry | 11.03.08 |
Family member carrying on with research in regard to the ill fated ‘opawa’ torp’d in 1942 by Uboat U-106..Mothers brother ‘George Osborne’ lost in lifeboat having survived initial explosions.. looking for survivors /any information relating to the ship/crew who may have known/friend of Seaman George Osborne.. any information greatly appreciated best regards Bob Adams uk 0044 1376 584179 | 24.03.08 |
Looking for the cadet on , I think, MV Dorset late 1955 who built a one valve radio in his cabin. Wonder if you are onsite? Ken Hedges | 25.03.08 |
My father, the late John Thurston Chadwick (Jack or Pelorous Jack) spent most of his life at sea. He was a donkeyman on the Pamir in 1946, and when he retired, was on the Picton Ferries. He was in the convoys from Canada to England during the war. I would be very interested in hearing from anyone who knew my Dad. Joseph Chadwick | 26.03.08 |
Photographic memories of RAKAIA and life aboard some 45 years ago. Best wishes to all my old shipmates. Bruce Pollard Bruce Pollard | 30.03.08 |
I have information on the MV Nottingham for Frank Kennedy. I tried sending to the email address given but it didn’t work? Charlie Crawford | 30.03.08 |
Hi Jeff, just updating my email address I log on to your site every day and enjoy, still looking for Bill Halton from mv Essex 1961/63, archie clark, ex 4th eng. anyone out there remember me? Archie Clark | 01.04.08 |
I am a quite fit 70 year old but with a restricted left aorta and am therefore not allowed to fly long haul. My daughter in NZ has Huntingdons a long term fatal condition. she cannot return to the UK. I need to visit her to sort out her care in NZ. I cant stand cruise boats and as I have a book to write, my idea is to try to get accommodation on a commercial boat. i know how long it takes. I used to have a 2nd Engineers ticket as I developed and fitted the first Stern gland seals back in the 70’s. I have plenty of sailing experience I am very happy in my own company but have ended my working life teaching creative writing to adults, so i can entertain as well. Can you help me locate a commercial shipping company who would sell me a berth to NZ any time in the next 6 months. I can provide references to prove the above. I was awarded an MBE on 13th March this year so you could check me out? Here’s hoping you can help Michael Wise MBE Ph 01202 488212Editor: We can’t help you: Perhaps someone reading this may have a few clues and is prepared to share. | 04.04.08 |
Dear Jeffrey, Now that my website is fairly mature, I would like to link your website to it. If you would be willing to let me do this, could you kindly provide me with a short paragraph that you would like me to put in the Links section of the Contacts page of my website: Many moons ago you let me pose some questions about Rakaia’s engine on your website, and I have not forgotten your kindness. With best wishes, Paul Wood | 04.08.08 |
Hi, My father was born on the SS Ionic in New Zealand, Wellington harbour in December 1919. Does anybody else have any knowledge of this ship? Zoe Conneally | 05.04.08 |
Dear Sirs My great grandfather George Henry Loveland was in the employ of the company as Chief Refrigeration Engineer during the war and was on Federal vessel mv Norfolk when she was lost in 1941 Could you help me as to where I could possibly obtain a picture of the said vessel. I have the telegram sent to his wife to say he was safe and his certificate of discharge but it would be nice to complete the set. He retired from your employ in 1959. his last ship was the “Hauraki Yours sincerely Justin Holden | 15.04.08 |
Hello As time goes on I have got more and more interested with finding out about my Fathers war time exploits. Dad was with the NZ shipping co. during the second world war He was on the Dorset when attacked by German aircraft and the ship was abandoned and later sunk. He was on the Norfolk when she was torpedoed and sunk and spent some time in a lifeboat. I still have his torch which he scratched the time and date on, of the sinking, and I have his sextant as well. I would very much like some photos of the ships but are finding that very difficult on the net. Also where I would find the crew list. Thanking you, Regards Rob Townend | 20.04.08 |
Hi my name is Mike Huggett. My father John was the Quartermaster on your vessel the Rangitane in the 1950’s. It is his 74th birthday soon and I am trying to get a photograph of the Rangitane for him as a gift. I hope you can help as this would mean a great deal to him. Many thanks Mike Huggett. | 20.04.08 |
My mother sailed to England on the Rangitoto in January 1954. After she died two years ago we found a lovely diary she had written of her trip. I am trying to get more of a picture of life aboard ship then and would love to hear from anyone who sailed on the Rangitoto in the 1950s. | 11.06.08 |
First trip with NZSC was on the Haparangi, signing on 10th March 1969. On that trip we left London bound for Wellington with a deck cargo of cows + a bull, also if memory serves me correctly one goat. During our way out a crew bar was built in the cross alleyway in the crew accommodation Full cargo loaded in NZ went via cape horn to Las Palmas then down the Med to discharge at various ports, then back to the UK, paid off 23rd July. Second trip to follow soon Jim Mouatt (ginger) | 16.06.08 |
I was 5 at the time and a passenger on MV Rangtane from London to Wellington via Panama Oct-Novemebr 1955. My young brother died in transit and I am looking for at least a record or someone who may recall the death and consequent burial at sea . Despite my young age I can recall the burial at sea most vividly. Many thanks Anthony Peters | patongue56athotmaildotcom 24.06.08 |
Reunion to celebrate the Maiden Voyage of the MV.V. Otaio 1958 Luncheon held at the restaurant of the Merseyside Marime Museum, Albert Dock, Liverpool 13th.June 2008, 50 years on. Account by Harry Simpson, cadet –maiden voyage. How it all started was me by stumbling across a message on : New Zealand Shipping On – Line Comments “After training on H.M.S. Conway, joined my first ship as a navigation cadet, the Nottingham, and then was transferred to the Cornwall in Port Pirie before returning to UK to join the Otaio in Glasgow on her maiden voyage in 1958.Did four trips on the Otaio, before joining the Haparangi as 4th mate. Anyone around from those days ?” Dave Collick ddotcollickatbtopenworlddotcom 01.04.06 I immediately contacted my cabin mate from Voyage 2 and we met after 50 years absence on 17th.January 2007. What joy. The culmination of 18 months correspondence and visits led to a most memorable occasion where ex cadets from voyages 1 – 30, as well as their partners, spent an unforgettable day in Liverpool. Old shipmates were found via the Durham Association, and by word of mouth. It is an almost impossible task to put on to paper all the emotion, the gaiety, the gusts of hilarious laughter, the happiness that invaded everyone that day. The subsequent emails received are proof enough indeed that words overheard, such as “I’ve never spent such a wonderful day in my life”, or “This has been a day I’ll never forget” came from the heart. Most of the attendees arrived on the 12th. June where 39 rooms had been reserved at the Holiday Inn, Albert Dock. From 1400h onwards people met in the lobby bar when checking in. Over pints of beer photographs and tales of days of yore were exchanged. The predominant phrase was, “Do you remember…..?” The scene quietened down towards 2130h when friends went to dine. The following morning at 0800h a handful of excellent volunteers arrived at the restaurant to put everything into place. Set up the free bar, hang the bunting, place menus, table centres, table names and seating arrangements, red and rosé wine and champagne on the table, etc.. All was ready, including the Welcome Package and name tags, in time for the first guests who started arriving at 1030h. Before lunch Jack Giles said Grace in such a manner that he could have been taken for a French Curé. This was followed by an excellent toast to the Otaio by Charles Hufflett who was cadet captain on the maiden voyage. His speech was spiced with humour and ‘bonhomie’. Then Malcolm Parrott gave a very special and poignant toast to our departed friends with whom we had shared magical moments at sea. A nice self service buffet was then presented. During the clatter of knives & forks other toasts were made. The Queen by Rob Arlington, a moving and realistic toast to the ‘World’s Merchant Seafarers’ by Tony Lane. Norman Swaffield, with aplomb and humour, read 11 emails from those who apologised for their absence. Peter Tart read a comical experience that we’d received from Mike Cox, guffaws all round. John Martin, Rick & Rob White regaled us with a humourous sketch that they had concocted called ‘Defaulters’ Parade on the Boat Deck’. Kerrin Mills gave a lovely speech entitled ‘A few Words From Australia’ in his dulcet toned voice. He presented the organiser of the event, Harry Simpson, with a beautiful Waterford cut glass decanter with an inscribed metal plaque. This on behalf of all the attendees for the organisation. Harry Simpson recounted an anecdote from voyage 2 where he and his cabin mate were at loggerheads over the porthole not being cleaned for inspection. After a few minutes punch up, noinner or loser, on the quay at Fremantle where the wharfies formed a ring, hands were shaken.. Dave Collick was presented with a tin of Brasso wrapped in cartons and newspapers all roped together. Harry said that he’d had this in his locker for 50 years in the hope of meeting up again with the Rugby League loving Yorkshireman. Dave Colllick, as M.C,. gave a special welcome to the ladies with these unforgettable words, “Where would we be today without you, Ladies?”. As we were running 30 minutes late the last speaker, Mark Ricketts, didn’t have the opportunity to present the Otaio website on which he has been working so hard for many months. There are already several photos on the site. Our thanks to the videographer, Tony Goodman, who filmed us all for 3 hours and will make out a DVD. A copy will be sent to all in July. Our thanks to Caroline Innes from the Liverpool Echo who wrote an endearing article for her paper which appeared on 16.06.08 Our thanks to Andrew Linington, editor of Nautilus UK, who wiill give us a full page spread in their July issue of ‘The Telegraph’. The afternoon was spent at the Northern Club, Crosby, where we had the exclusive use of the lounge bar.. We were taken there and back by a 77 seater coach. Here a quiz was held –“Know your New Zealand Ports” and the 10 prize winners went home happily clutching a bottle of champagne, whisky & the like. The tickets for the raffle of the bell engraved ‘Otaio’ were drawn. The £640.00 collected will be donated to the research into the illnesses Alzeimer, Parkinson’s and MS. The winner was deservedly Pam Luxton who donated a large cheque in the memory of her husband John. Roz Ford handed out the 5th. CD entitled ‘For Ladies Only’, a cover showing sexy nude rugby men. All 5 CD’s were compiled by the organiser and have brought tears to the eyes. Needless to say everyone spent a wonderful afternoon, in a wonderful setting, chatting and reminiscing before leaving for Liverpool at 6.30pm. The end of a perfect day. My special thanks to the barmen, Alastair Evitt for the DVD of the Otaio ( from Des Jone’s film), Mike Keat for the music and my daughter Stéphanie & cousin Gay who charmed all the old sea dogs and helped the day go with a swing. To all those present whose smiles and laughter made today’s troubled world take a back seat for a couple of days. Those present: Rob & Barbara Arlington, Grant & Jason Barnes, Keith & Julia Belfield, Gay Bernstone, Stéphanie Blanchet, Malcolm and Rosemary Burwood, Jenny & Deepak Chakravarty ( widow of Alasdair McKinnon), Andrew & Tracy Cheetham, Dave & Liese Collick, Tony & Alicia Course, Mike & Dorothy Drake, David & Lynda Embery (Hong Kong), Alastair & Mandy Evitt, Bob & Roz Ford, Jack & Sue Giles, Peter & Tricia Goodwin, John & Joyce Hallgren, George & Kathy Hepworth, Bill Hirst, Charles & Elena Hufflett (NZ), Bob Hughes, Mike & Rowena Keat, Tony Lane, Peter Lloyd, Pam Luxton, John & Sheila Martin, Kerrin & Anne Mills (Aust.) Ian Murray (NZ), Richard Newnham, Steve O’Connell, Nanette Pappalardo, Malcolm & Joanna Parrott,Nick & Teresa Pearson, Peter & Daphne Rainford, Richard & Rosemary Rayfield, Mark & Denise Ricketts, Harry & Jeanine Simpson, Chris Stuchbury, Norman Swaffield, Peter & Jayne Tart, Bob & Anne Turrell, Mike & Dorothy Weston, Rick & Allison White ( Aust.), Rob & Margaret White. | harrysimpson2003atyahoodotfr 24.06.08 |
Hi there, Just found your brill site, I was AEO with p&o gcd from 74 till 78. Ships I was on included Piako 75, Wild curlew 76, Wild Gannet 77. Had some great times on the gannet, sailing from Drammen shipyard on more or less a round world trip. Im good on names & heres some I remember Officers, Trav Rowland, Ian Batley, the infamous Roger Leachman, noddy stapleton, fritz frazer,ticker tock, jeff tyler, Sam Leech,Harry Job, Willie Mcreery pete the feet legross, oggie kessell, andy wood,lew lewis, taff hayward, mick hodgson, paul blackmore, john bright, kiwi phil goodman. Crew. jimmy smith, george shearer, wally jenkins, mick west, wally smith, john hankock jeff peters, pete jackson, jeff grimmer, they might not remember me but if anyone wants a chat please email me. John Sutton.If I remember any more names i,ll email again, | 07.07.08 |
I joined Otaio on 4th.May 1959 in the Gladstone Dock, my trip was made up of M.W.Williams, A.Cooke, K.Lingard, G.Stuart-Jones, D.Southworth, D.Mountford & A.Winskell.I regret I do not remember which engineer cadets joined with me.I was later 4th.mate on Sussex & Papanui. After getting my 2nd.mates ticket I got the wander lust and joined Bank Line, then a short spell with Everards then British Rail in Harwich, which led to me joining Trinity House in Harwich where I stayed for several years, then a few years with the United Baltic Corporation. I then went foreign flag and joined the B+I Line of Dublin where I had 13 very good years before taking voluntary redundancy. I then joined the Port of Felixstowe ending up as a Berthing Master, I retired 3 years ago and live near Manningtree. I would be pleased if anyone would like to get in touch. Best regards, Colin Springthorpe, AKA Springy. regards Colin Springthorpe | 07.07.08 |
Does anyone have a photograph of the “Lincoln” a N.Z. tanker that was transferred to Trident? Would be glad to pay for photo and mailing if necessary. T.P. | 29.07.08 |
Have just purchased a print of MV Huntingdon and am wondering if there is any connection between the vessel and the building that I live in which is also called Huntingdon (8 Onslow Ave. Elizabeth Bay Sydney). Many of the old apartment blocks in this area were built to accommodate crews of various ships and I am interested to find out if this is the case in this instance. Nell Schofield | 29.07.08 |
Hello, I sailed on the Ruahine from Swansea to Auckland in December 1967 and returned to Liverpool on her in June 1968. This was her last voyage with New Zealand Shipping. Commodore Hollingsworth was the Captain. I was the winner of the ship’s chart on the last voyage although I think it may have been lost over the years. I have some memorabilia of the Ruahine if anyone would like to have it. It always remains in a box so I would be willing to let it go to a collector if necessary. If anyone was on either of the voyages I would be pleased to hear from them. Sylvia Wredden (Longworth back then!) | 29.07.08 |
Hello again Graham Peers l found biff hammond 2ns eng from the mv northuberland through your site after 10 yeras looking thanks. would now like to hear from david (chas} Taylor ex mv northumberland radio officer again l heard from (Betty auckland 1971) and any one else on that trip we have lost Keith Lingard c/o also phil webber 4eng keep up the good work guy’s Graham | 31.07.08 |
Some of the original crew members of the MV ONEHUNGA may still be out there and hopefully will respond to this post. The OBEHUNGA of 914 tons gross was built in 1948 in Sweden. Originally named DRAGON .she traded the Baltic as a timber carrier and was renamed the TULLAN when purchased by Partredereit in 1960. Kaipara SS Company Limited purchased her in 1962 and delivered her from Oskersham Sweden to Auckland New Zealand in that year via Kiel Canal, Fowey Cornwall, Suez, Colombo (for repairs), Burnie Tasmania and Melbourne arriving Auckland in August 1962 The run to NZ was quite eventful with several breakdowns at sea, deck cracking around Samson post and consequent partial flooding of hold containing china clay for delivery to Burnie Tasmania. Refrigeration and generator failure resulted in food spoilage and led to a pretty unpleasant trip all round. Northern Steam Ship Company Limited managed the vessel until she was sold in 1968 to Reef Shipping Company Ltd of Fiji and renamed JEAN PHILIPPE. After several changes of ownership and names, she was finally deregistered in Malaysia in 1979. I have no knowledge of her trade lanes whilst on the NZ coast as I signed off on arrival in Auckland and returned to Australia, kissed the ground and never went to sea again. I have some photographs of crew members, movie film of the delivery run and would be pleased to share them with any surviving crew members. Kind regards Morrie Forte, Engineer, Australia | 01.08.08 |
Found this site by pure accident. Typed into google “mv wild auk” and wow! Really bought home some memories of the seventies. Remember Andy Coxon-Smith, Pete Smart, Chris Christie, Neil McGovern, Rikki Bennett, Taff Jenkins, Mitch Mitchel, Charlie Payne, Les Mitchell, Willie McGrerie and many, many others. Sailed on Otaio, Sussex, Hapurangi?, Huntingdon, Wild Auk, Wild Fulmar, Pando Gulf and Carpentaria. What fabulous memories I have of those days/ships and shipmates. Feel free to email me. | 12.08.2008 |
My husband, (Deceased) Michael Pepe Milman’s Great-grandfather, Master Mariner Thomas Francis Mil(l)man (Born 1843) was Captain of the Clipper ship Otaki in 1877,owned by the New Zealand Shipping Co. and launched by Palmers’ Shipbuilding and Iron Co.Ltd.,Jarrow at a cost of £20,000. Capt.Milman was presented with a brass Commemorative Clock/Barometer, in the shape of a spoked ship’s wheel, by the Directors of the New Zealand Shipping Co. On one Face it Reads “the N.Z.s Co’s Ship Otaki, T.F.Milman Master sailed from Port Chalmers on 11th.March and docked in the South West India Dock on 19th.May 1877 completing the voyage in under 69 days. On the other face it reads, The Directors of the N.Z.Shipping Co.Ltd. presented this clock to Captain T.F.Milman in commemoration of his having accomplished the quickest passage on record from New Zealand to London with their Clipper Ship Otaki 1877. My son, James N. Milman now owns this wonderful tribute. | 14.08.2008 |
SS Dorset and MV Westmorland I have recently retired (60) hence the chance to reflect on my time at sea 1970-71 as junior engineer. Have Fleet list 1st Nov 1970 all the ships plus individual ship specifications, photo’s and stuff. Some guys especially I would get a kick out of catching up with were from the Dorset. John K Mansfield (Irish – 1st Elect) Dave R Rawlinson (Dagenham UK – 2nd Elect) Ian (smoothy) McLeod (5th eng) Regards Jeff Crook (AUST) | 15.08.2008 |
My name is Jim Wm. Hayes and I sailed on the M.V. Whakatane from 1961 to 1963 on the manx run I then joined the M.V. Huraki for one trip as 6th engineer.I was invited to stay with the ship on its next trip as 4th engineer but I resigned from the company and returned to a shore job. Mr. Jim. Wm. Hayes. | 04.09.2008 |
I served on the ss HORORATA 2 1964/5 If anyone out there remembers our trip to MANAPORI HYDRO ELECTRIC SCHEME at Deep Cove South island NZ. With generators I would be delighted to hear from them. Regards Alex Storrie 10th (Junior) Engineer. | 04.09.2008 |
Hi, name is Alan Rae, originate from Manchester but now live in Gloucester. Joined the Essex in Falmouth 31/10/68 signed off London 17/4/69,fourth engineer. Engineering wise the ship was hell on earth! Socially brilliant. Ate more meals in the bunkering alleyway than I did in the saloon. Captain was HRD Dell (martinet despite his stature) Mate, Charlesworth (miserable sod) Chief engineer, John Alexander, Second ,ex company cadet of very limited ability and knowledge, third was a steam man from the Dover ferries getting in motor time, fifth was called McOnagle, Chief Leckie, Rolly Jones, second leckie, Derek Penrose, Chief freezer Hank, from the west country. Very eventful voyage. Starboard engine threw a leg two or three days out of Wellington on the homeward voyage. Would like to hear from anyone who remembers me. Now retired and spend a large amount of my day trawling various maritime sites, which is how I came upon this excellent site. Whilst in Wellington formed a relationship with a fine young lady lled Janice Matthews who worked as a secretary (to the engineering super) in the NZSCo Wellington office. Money can’t have been too good as she was moonlighting as a short order cook. I’ve been trying to contact her for a number of years, via various web sites, without success. If anybody can furnish any information I would greatly appreciate it. There is no ulterior motive in this quest, merely nostalgia. As an aside my father sailed on the Rangitiki in 1941/2 and had a crossing the line certificate from this vessel. Not sure if it is still in existence, but if so my sister has it. I do have a reference, from a doctor C.Fletcher as my father was a sergeant in the Royal Army Medical Corps. I do remember souvenires from India and Photographs of NZ as a child which aroused my interest in NZ. Was offered a job there but the wife gave a blank refusal, something I deeply regret,to this day. At 64 the only chance of returning is winning the lottery, (Fat Chance) Alan Rae | 05.09.2008 |
Does anyone know of a ship called the Piako merchant ship around in the late sixty’s .if so does anyone remember Alan Paul Thompson early twentys. from Walthamstow London. galley kitchen crew | 24.09.2008 |
I was Nursery Stewardess on Rangitata on her last voyage Jan – April 1962. Lots of happy memories and photos which I am just putting into a powerpoint presentation for a talk at my club. I even have a couple of pictures of our sister ship Rangitiki as we passed at sea on the last voyage for both old ladies before being scrapped later that year. I should have transferred to Remuera but family matters intervened and I went back to being a landlubber!
| 24.10.2008 |
Mr brother, Larry Clarke, served on the SS Papanui as a deck boy right from Vindicatrix from May 29,1943 to October 21, 1943. I am trying to obtain a photo of this ship. Perhaps ex-crew members may have photos I could copy or can anyone suggest a source I could go to obtain a photo. Thank you
| 24.10.2008 |
I was an engineer on board RMS Rangitane in 1957 when she collided with a freighter in the Miraflores Lakes while traversing the Panama Canal, The ship, the Hawaiian Trader, had her hull ripped open by the Rangitane’s suspended anchor and sank onto a sand bank with just her superstructure out of the water while Rangitane spent a few days in Balboa having her buckled bow repaired. I wonder if there are other crew members or passengers that are on this site that were on this voyage. | 24.10.2008 |
Does anyone remember the ‘Surrey’ on the Kiwi and Aussie coast between the years 58-60. Looking for Cole Schofield (Essex), George Johnson ( London) and the Jim & Peter Roxborough( Liverpool)(twins). Two of the skippers I recall were ‘Slasher’ Sladen, and Dai Davies at 70 have trouble remembering my own name. | 24.10.2008 |
I believe I sailed aboard the Wanganella from Wellington NZ to Southampton UK in 1955. Can anyone verify if the Wanganella did in fact run between the UK and NZ at that time. I travelled under the name of Michael Lee.
| 30.10.2008 |
I would like to obtain Vicky Spalding’s email address, please. Vicky kindly helped my parents, Jim and Penny Fowler, to recover their painting of Lake Manapouri, which used to hang in the NZ Manapouri launched by my mother in 1968. The painting is now hanging over the fireplace in their study. I took a photograph of it recently and my father asked whether I would email a copy to Vicky to let her know how nice it looks there and to thank her for her help. Sarah Fowler | 14.11.2008 |
I joined the nzsc in 1961 and my first ship was the Wakatane which sailed on the manz run I was the junior eng. the rest of the engineers are as follows chief eng was peter ? I have been married to rosemary for 43 years and we have a son and daughter and 4 grandchildren. I would love to hear from any one who remembers me I have just remembered the 7th eng on the Wakatane he was called Ron Johnson and he came from Lossiemouth in Scotland regards Jim Hayes | 18.11.2008 |
As a boy of 12 I was a passenger on the Rangitiki in convoy HX ?302 from New York to Liverpool 4.8.44 – 25.8.44 but I cannot find the ship listed. This convoy was not attacked but I remember we got left behind on one occasion due to some mechanical failure, and also practice shooting with an aft mounted Bofors. I recently found this picture painted by me as informal pupil of an old lady artist who did some good work keeping me occupied. The planes on the next door ship were Lockheed Lightnings but I would be interested to find out more about the other ships in the convoy. Any suggestions. Many thanks. Patrick Barrington, Weymouth, Dorset UK | 20.11.2008 |
If you have knowledge about the Old New Zealand Shipping Company and would like to share or go to this actual link Jeffrey Shaw, Managing Director, New Zealand Shipping. |
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