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Agreement for Sale of Business ​

Please feel free to print out our Pdf document or fill in details below and Submit this form

    This Agreement is made on





    City of


    State of


    Buyer, of


    City of

    ,State of

    The Seller now owns and conducts a

    business, under name of



    City of

    ,State of

    For valuable consideration, the Seller agrees to sell and the Buyer agrees to buy this business for the following price and on the following terms:
    1. The Seller will sell to the Buyer, free from all liabilities, claims, and indebtedness, the Seller's business, including the premises located at

    , City of

    , State of

    and all other assets of the business as listed on Exhibit A, which is attached and is part of this agreement.
    2. The Buyer agrees to pay the Seller the sum of $

    ,which the Seller agrees to accept as full payment.The purchase price will be allocated to the assets of the business as follows:

    (a) The premises $

    (b) Equipment/furniture $

    (c) Good will $

    (d) Stock in trade/inventory $

    (e) Notes/accounts receivable $

    3. The purchase price will be paid as follows:

    Earnest money $

    (received by Seller on signing this agreement)

    Cash down payment $

    (due on Closing)

    Promissory note payable $

    TOTAL Price $

    The $

    Promissory Note will bear interest at

    percent (

    %) per year, payable monthly for

    years at $

    per month with the first payment due one (1) month after the date of closing. The Promissory Note will be prepayable without limitation or penalty.(

    4. The Seller acknowledges receiving the Earnest money deposit of $

    from the Buyer. If this sale is not completed for any valid reason, this money will be returned to the Buyer without penalty or interest.

    5. This agreement will close on



    , of

    At that time, and upon payment by the Buyer of the portion of the purchase price then due, the Seller will deliver to Buyer the following documents:


    A Bill of Sale for all personal property (equipment, inventory, parts, supplies and any other personal property).


    A Warranty Deed for any real estate


    All Accounting Books and Records


    All Customer and Supplier Lists


    A valid Assignment of any Lease


    All other documents of transfer as

    listed below:
    (List other documents)
    At closing, adjustments to the purchase price will be made for the following items:

    (a) Changes in inventory since this Agreement was made,
    (b) Insurance premiums,
    (c) Payroll and payroll taxes
    (d) Rental payments
    (e) Utilities
    (f) Property taxes, and
    (g) The following other items: (list other items)

    6. The Seller represents and warrants that it is duly qualified under
    the laws of the State of

    to carry on the business being sold, and has complied with and is not in
    violation of any laws or regulations affecting the Seller's business.

    7. Attached as part of this Agreement as Exhibit B is a Balance Sheet of the Seller as of

    which has been prepared according to generally accepted accounting principles. The Seller warrants that this Balance Sheet fairly represents the financial position of the Seller as of this date and sets out any contractual obligations of the Seller. If this sale includes the sale of inventory of the business, the Seller has provided the Buyer with a completed Bulk Transfer Affidavit containing a complete list of all creditors of the Seller, together with the amount claimed to be due each creditor.

    8. Seller represents that it has good and marketable title to all of the assets shown on Exhibit A, and that those assets are free and clear of any restrictions on transfer and all claims, taxes, indebtedness, or liabilities except those specified on the Exhibit B Balance Sheet. Seller also warrants that all equipment will be delivered in working order on the date of closing.

    9. Seller agrees not to participate in any way, either directly or indirectly, in a business similar to that being sold to the Buyer, within a radius of

    miles from this business, for a period of

    years from the date of closing.

    10. Between the date of this Agreement and the date of closing of the Sale, the Seller agrees to carry on the business in the usual manner and agrees not to enter into any unusual contract or other agreement affecting the operation
    of the business without the consent of the Buyer.
    11. The Buyer represents that it is financially capable of completing the purchase of this business and fully understands its obligations under this Agreement.

    13. Any additional terms: State exact terms)

    14. No modification of this Agreement will be effective unless it is in writing and is signed by both the Buyer and Seller. This Agreement binds and benefits both the Buyer and Seller and any successors. Time is of the essence of this agreement. This document, including any attachments, is the entire agreement between the Buyer and Seller.This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of




    Name of Business

    Signature of Buyer




    personally came before me and, being duly sworn, did state that he/she is the person who owns the sole proprietorship described in the above document and that he/she signed the above document in my presence on behalf of the sole proprietorship and on his/her own behalf.


    Justice of the Peace, State of


    Name of buyer

    personally came before me and, being duly sworn, did state that he/she is the person described in the above document and that he/she signed the above document in my presence.


    Justice of the Peace, State of


    This Contract Exhibit "A" is attached and made part of the following contract:
    This Contract Exhibit "B" is attached and made part of the
    following contract:

    Name of Signature

    Phone Numbers (include isd and std codes):


    Please feel free to contact us at Australia Trade & Shipping.

    +61 2 6699 3288

    Coffs Harbour

    +61 7 4962 0488


    +61 7 5667 7088

    Gold Coast

    +61 2 4231 4799

    Port Kembla

    +61 7 5370 5688

    Sunshine Coast

    +61 7 4642 1500


    +61 7 4795 1288


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    I wish a safe and prosperous journey for you and your loved ones.