Type in Port Marks for Your Goods

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Option 1 is for small bags or book cartons brief cartons
Option 2 is for T Chests or larger cartons. You can type into the text areas and print these pages out online.

When importing or exporting your goods you require a port mark(label) on the side of your packages here is on-line type in your port marks so everybody can see who its going with, who owns the goods, where its come from, where its going to alongwith the destination phone number and the individual package number alongside the total number that has been shipped. Ports marks is placed on every item that is going to be shipped, very important for customs clearance, warehousing and distribution. You can abreviate your ports ie .. syd for sydney, mel for melbourne, bne for brisbane, adl for adelaide and fre for fremantle, tvl for townsville